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My name is Maxwell Vice, creator of Ice Vice Magazine. My full name is Maxwell Vice Tong but i am professionally known as Maxwell Vice. I am a actor, on top of being a creator. I’ve starred in a couple of shows, my favorite being Runaways which was my off broadway debut in the summer of 2016. I am a visual artist, i paint self portraits using watercolor.  I am also a clothing designer, i paint on thrifted clothes and revamp them. I go to Talent Unlimited High school as a Musical Theatre major on the upper east side, which is where i found my passion for acting, as well as fashion. I was inspired by a lot of the artist in my school, and began to build my own brand alongside them. A Lot of people know me from my instagram, which i'm trying to use to promote my own art, as well as the work of others. I love acting, it's probably what i'm going to pursue in life, and booking that off broadway gig really opened a lot of doors for me. I'm 18 as i create this issue, and already i've accomplished everything i set out to do as a child. I've worked besides some of the actors i've looked up to, i created a magazine which i've always dreamed about doing, and i've managed to pick up a good media following. I hope this magazine inspires other young artist like me to never give up. I am no where close to being an “idol” or a “super star”, but in my own mind i know i'm on the same level as them because i put my 100% into my art, and that's all it really is about.

I'm known to be quite controversial, if i must admit. Im very active in politics and if you follow my instagram you can tell i am always speaking my mind on today's issues and how we can progress. As a young gay latino artist, living under trumps control is quite horrifying. I watch as my country tries to strip me and my people from our rights, rights we worked so hard for, and it lights such a fire in me. I came out in middle school, because i wanted to be a role model. I never had a proud gay role model and i knew my parents loved me, so i figured i could become that for someone else. Coming out and evolving into the person i am today was not easy.I was always afraid of what others thought of me and how i would effect them. Then i the end of the day who else do i have besides myself? If i can't make myself happy how can i make anyone happy? Learning to be happy, especially as a young gay boy was hard because the world always taught me that being gay is scary, or hard, and coming out is this huge moment that's life changing. It isn't. The life changing moment, for me that is, is learning that loving myself.

In regards to my fashion, i love to make a statement. I think it's important to wear what makes you feel good. I like to wear things that make me feel like I'm walking down the streets on New York Fashion week. If i don't think my outfit would turn heads, i wouldn't wear it.Wearing an outfit that you love gets you excited for the day,to meet people. To rock an outfit all you need is confidence. I have a lot of people tell me things like “I don't like those holes in your clothes “ or “I think those jeans are too big”, and i usually say “thank god you're not wearing them then!” Fashion has always been an outlet for me, and in such a repressive time, it is so important to stay true to you and wear what makes you feel like a superstar.


As for the future...i don't know what it holds. My goal is to be on broadway, make a living off of performing, and to continue this magazine. I want this magazine to be the next Vfiles, a place where young artist can come together and create and build. One of my goals is to build a team, maybe even get a Ice Vice headquarters, because as of now it is my editing, collection, scheduling, and financing everything. I want to find a way to become a successful actor, and be very involved in the fashion world. I love to create and i never want to stop. My inspirations are people like Lin manuel, or Rhianna (two completely different spectrums i know), because they do not stick to the careers that make them famous. The blend into other realms of their art forms, and i think t at is really beautiful.

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